Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I'm off to vote for Mitt.

I'm not 100% on board with any candidate, but Mitt's gotten some things done. I yearn for competence. Rudy has the same appeal. He's off the reservation on some social issues, but who has actually accomplished more things appealing to conservatives? Why isn't Rudy running on this, and saying, "Let's turn our cities around!" and "Who has a better record of actual conservative accomplishments?"

I like Fred. He's conservative and a real smart guy. But where's the passion, other than in occasional spasms?

I admire John McCain, but the phrase "off the reservation" comes to mind again -- this time critically. Plus, I'm afraid in Michigan McCain's numbers will be goosed by Dems and Indies coming in to vote in the GOP primary just to screw things up, and we need to boost Mitt's. I also don't want a repeat of 1996; i.e., let's nominate the old guy whose turn it is and who can crack a joke with the press.

Huckabee is one hell of a speaker; or should I say one "heaven" of a speaker. After GWB I long for a president facile with the language. But I don't want a president who reminds me of the guy I work with. I want to have a beer with a guy like the guy I work with. I want a president like the guy who laid me off -- somebody who knows how to make a business decision. My next job will be offered by another guy like the guy who laid me off, because that is the type of guy with the wherewithal to actually hire people. Either that, or I'll make my own job -- this still being America, at least for the time being -- and Huck's paternalism promises only to gum up the works.

I like Duncan Hunter, but he doesn't stand a chance. And everyone should listen to Ron Paul and think about what he's saying before returning to the real world.

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