Sunday, September 9, 2007

Citizen Gore

When Georges Danton was condemned during the French Revolution, he famously declared, "Robespierre will follow me; he is dragged down by me."

Three months later, Robespierre indeed followed Danton to the guillotine.

Al Gore is now being pilloried by animal rights extremists for not being a vegetarian: apparently eating meat contributes mightily to global warming.

If Mr. Gore had any testicular fortitude, and hadn't needed Naomi Wolf to counsel him on how to be an Alpha Male, he'd throw his hands up in exasperation with these people, and like Danton, declare that these various leftist extremist movements will eventually consume each other.

Mr. Gore, sadly, more resembles Robespierre, of whom it was once remarked by Comte de Mirabeau, "That man will go far, he believes everything he says."

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